+44 0345 29 62 792

posted 25th May 2021
Client: Sitting Spiritually
Sitting Spiritually are well known for their oak rope swings to hang from trees. However, not everyone has a suitable tree to hang a swing from, so they developed their oak single high frame, specifically to hang their rope swing from. But....people liked to swing very high on them, so high in fact that the legs of the frame could lift from the ground.
The team at Spirafix were asked for advice and guidance on a suitable solution for the safe and secure fixing of the oak swing frames - the product range can be seen here.
The Spirafix Kit SK311 presented an easy solution to this issue and is now frequently supplied by Sitting Spiritually with their frames & rope swings. They have also discovered an inventive way of using the anchors whilst also protecting the end grain on the timber on the legs (shown on the photo).
Client Feedback
'Often these frames are set on grass that is not entirely flat and by using this method our clients and their families can swing as vigorously as they like - knowing full well that the legs are secured down. This is a simple and effective solution for us and ensures our clients are kept safe as the swing is securely fixed to the ground with these simple to install helical ground anchors.'