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About Permanent Carports
When building something the mind casts straight to the traditional building methods of which concrete foundations is one of the more popular way of building structures. When considering the use of solar carports there are three things which often get overlooked some of which can be seen below
When considering a concrete foundation a large area needs to be excavated in order to pour the necessary foundation works. The waste generated all needs to be transported away from site at cost to both the installer and the environment. Spirafix overcomes this challenge by simply installing in the existing conditions with no spoil being generated. Climate change is playing a big part in all our lives, Spirafix is one of the building methods looking to minimise the environmental impact of installing renewable energy sources such as solar carports.
Concrete foundations are extremely time consuming to excavate, pour and allow for setting time. In contrast Spirafix can be installed and used instantly, averaging 7 minutes per anchor, which allows the deployment of solar carport foundations to be streamlined and efficient.
Having considered the above points are you thinking, can this be true? Remember that large hole that has just been dug and filled with concrete. Now it has to be repaired to ensure the new solar carport doesn't become an new eyesore. Spirafix does not require any/minimal remedial works, which in turn reduces time on site and cost of the remedial materials.
How to install
For the Spirafix system to work a steel base-plate is needed as a connection point. In past experience this has worked well on a collaborative basis with both the Spirafix team and the customer. This includes plate dimensions, hole sizes and connection point details.
Further to the base-plate being made an installation jig is made to replicate the hole centres of each fixing point. The jig is then used as an anchor installation guide for each anchor. Pre-drilling the holes is a necessity, which is also carried out in this process.
Installation of the anchors is impact driven, previously we have used a mini digger and pecker for large anchor installs in harder ground conditions, however we now have a Spirafix installation piling rig, which makes light work of these installs.